Archive for August, 2007
Ruhlmans Ceasar Salad Challenge
August 29, 2007 on 9:50 pm | In Offal | 7 CommentsAs seen here, a challenge has been throw my way by Michael Ruhlman to make a pork belly ceasar salad for the menu at Incanto. Since this all started because he despises the ever-present chicken ceasar salad, I decided to make just that, but my own way of course. Click below to see my version of the chicken ceasar. Top that, Ruhlman.
Continue reading Ruhlmans Ceasar Salad Challenge…
Innards Working streaming video.
August 6, 2007 on 9:28 pm | In Offal | 3 CommentsSo most of you know I have alot of opinions about things, especially about Offal. Here is a chance for you to hear it straight from the horses mouth me. filmed me a few months back for 2 days and got a whole bunch of great video footage, it has been turned into 8 clips which include my thoughts on PETA , factory farming and my first offal experience.
Here is the direct link to Innards Working.

Blood, Sweat and Tripe!!
August 1, 2007 on 7:48 pm | In Restaurants | 4 CommentsThanks to the brilliant photography of Michael Harlan Turkell, I have the ability to show you this photo essay of Incanto’s 4th annual head to tail event.
Hungry Magazine has posted a video essay and photo journal of the evening from the kitchen prospective. Take a look at the video below or at You can also check out the photo journal. Enjoy the video its a nice show of what the kitchen was like that day. And for those of you who joined us that evening thank you and I cant wait until next year.
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