Archive for December, 2007
The Art of having guts
December 18, 2007 on 11:56 pm | In Resources | 8 CommentsI have been receiving alot of questions from culinary students around the globe asking about offal, how to cook where to buy then what to do with it when they get it. But a few months back i got a call from a student who wasn’t studying culinary, this could be a refreshing change. A paper on the psychology of eating or not eating offal. As promised Lisa here is your paper on my site with total credit to you.
Continue reading The Art of having guts…
Symon Says
December 18, 2007 on 11:41 pm | In Videos | 1 CommentJust this past week Michael Symon the newly crowned iron chef came to town. We had the opportunity to do battle again and get a bite to eat and catch up. He is a great friend and great chef who always keeps me laughing, as you can see in the video. It was great to cook with him again, as well as get a chance to cook for him and his wife Liz. I hope I didn’t stuff them to bad, bacon wrapped pigs head, chilli and bones, cod milt bruschetta just to name a few. To keep up on Michael’s goings on check out his new blog.
Menu for Hope
December 12, 2007 on 7:26 pm | In Blog | 1 Comment So all of you folks in good holiday spirit here is your chance to help feed someone other then yourself. I will donate a lunch of offal bits at a restaurant of my choice in SF and a Lips and assholes t shirt in your size.The Menu for Hope prize code: UW37
Go check out donation instructions here
Let the bidding wars begin, its all for a great cause so dig threw the lint in your pockets, skip your 4 course meal one night and donate!! This is a great event so don’t be cheap around the holidays its tacky!!!
Pork is the Meat of Kings
December 11, 2007 on 12:27 am | In Blog | 7 CommentsThis is a great cartoon that was on serious eats the other day, then some one sent it to me. I really think its needs to be here. What more can I say other then its true!!!!!

Tasty Salted Pig Parts
December 9, 2007 on 10:01 pm | In Resources | 3 CommentsIf you love to eat meat like I do then this is for you. The owner of Incanto and I have started an artisan meat company called “Boccalone,” which is slang for someone with a big mouth. Guess who it’s named after?! Our tagline “tasty salty pig parts” says it all. These are all the recipes I developed at Incanto over the last 4 years. We’re making a great range of cured, cooked and fresh products; 23 to be exact. We have fresh sausages, lardo, 4 types of salami, proscuitto cotto, lonza and sanguinaccio.
Last year we took over a small space in Oakland where they had been making Portugese sausage since 1910. We revamped the whole place and got our USDA approval a few months ago. We have started the Boccalone Salumi Society in the Bay Area. Members sign up for a 3-month membership and come pick up a variety of meats 2 times a month, either at Incanto or at Boccalone. Kinda like a farm CSA, but with meat! And now, we’ve started selling a few of our cured products online. For all the details, check out our website,
And make no mistake, people, this is the real deal. Like everything I do, Boccalone salumi are made the right way, the old way, and with only the best ingredients.
To learn more, read our Salumi Manifesto.
Salumi are the noblest expression of meat – a marriage with salt, spice, and time that transcends individual ingredients.
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