Archive for February, 2009
Do you have the guts to help cook Head to Tail?
February 25, 2009 on 12:10 am | In Events | 3 CommentsI have decided to do something a little different for this year’s head to tail dinner, inspired by the constant requests for knowledge about how to cook offal. Now’s your chance to learn. I will be accepting 2 volunteers to help with the event this year. You get to come into my kitchen and help cook 2 nights of head to tail dinners. You will work your ass off, have some fun and learn a ton, but there are rules to this game. This offer is open to professional cooks only. You will be an unpaid volunteer. You must commit to working in my kitchen for 5 days, from Friday, March 20th through Wednesday the 25th except for Tuesday, which you’ll have off to recover. You must submit your resume and a short essay on why you should be one of the chosen ones. This is a busy time and I don’t have time to be baby sitting. The Head to Tail dinner is a multi-course menu with a shit load of detailed work..
Here is the pay out; you get both of my t-shirts to take home and you will be able to sit down and enjoy the head to tail menu in the dinning room on the last night.
Email your resume and brief essay to me at [email protected] by next Wednesday, March 4th. I will make a final decision and contact the 2 lucky winners on March 6th to confim your participation. Ultimately, this is a fun opportunity to be a part of a great team for a week and learn how to cook some innards.
Chicken Run
February 22, 2009 on 9:59 pm | In Blog | No Comments
I’m sitting here on this rainy sunday watching the movie “Chicken Run” with my 4 year old son. He doesn’t realize it’s teaching him about the horrors of factory farm egg production. The movie is modled after “The Great Escape” starring Steve McQueen, but this time it’s claymation chickens who are plotting their escape from their evil captors. Led by the fearless laying hen Ginger, the chickens in the coop are trying to escape the confines of the factory farm and make it over the fence to the freedom of the free range. Just like the prisoners running from their nazi captors, the chickens just want to fulfill their basic right to roam free. Fly, chickens, fly!
Giant 85LB Pigs Head
February 17, 2009 on 1:47 am | In Photos | 12 CommentsThe day I had surgery an 85lb pigs head was delivered to the restaurant. When I got the call the next day about this pigs head I was excited but bummed I couldn’t be there. So to make sure I was happy my Pastry Chef Thomas took great photos on the butchering and cooking process. I know you have seen how to butcher the pigs head from me in the past but I am really happy that my team nailed it with this pigs head.
Thanks guys you did a great job as always.
6th Annual Head to Tail
February 15, 2009 on 4:09 pm | In Events | 4 CommentsThat time of the year has come again, the 6Th Annual head to Tail. This year we will be doing 2 days of this special menu featuring the wonderful parts of those animals that we all know and love. The menu is fun I have been planning and refining it since last year. I cant wait to see you all there.
For more information about booking a reservation go here. I have included the menu below.
6th Annual Head to Tail Dinner
Monday March 23 & Wednesday March 25, 2009
Note: menu subject to change depending upon availability.
Venison heart tartare, foie gras & ciccioli brioche
Goose intestines with fava beans & artichokes
Big brain, little brain with asparagus
Cordedda with peas, mint & sheep’s milk polenta
Coffee & Doughnuts: pork liver, blood, chocolate, espresso
* Optional wine pairings will be available by the glass or flight
Year of the OX
February 3, 2009 on 11:16 pm | In Photos | 6 CommentsThis leg of beast came to be after many requests for the whole beast events to be available to smaller groups meaning they wanted me to find smaller beasts, not possible really so we came up wih this. This entree can feed 6 to 8 people and is accompanied by marrow bones, some bitter greens, and cannelini beans with beef tendon. This is a great way to start the year of the ox, with one of its legs. To find out more or book a leg for yourself and 6 of your friends check out Incanto.
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