Posts in the Offal Category
Head 2 Tail 5.0 stages
March 6, 2013 on 5:20 pm | In Blog, Offal, Resources | No CommentsThis decision each year gets harder and harder. There was not one bad person in the bunch so it made this years decision even harder. I look forward to welcoming this years 2 new stages in my Kitchen. Thank you all for applying I wish everyone all the best, I wish I could accept more there is just not enough room.
the 2 stages are:
Elias Seda from Washington D.C The Mini Bar
Andrew Ticer from Memphis, TN Hogs & Hominy
Both of there essays are below with there names at the top of each.
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Head to Tail stage 5.0
February 19, 2013 on 10:00 pm | In Blog, Offal | No Comments
After each years head to tail I look back and say how can we top that, and each year its a challenge that I gladly welcome. With the past 3 year we have brought in stages to spend a week cooking with the Incanto team, and it has been alot of fun and a great experience. Each stage has come and left their mark, thank you to Derek & Omar 1st year , Michael & Jonah 2nd year, Kylie & Michael 3rd year, Italo and Adam 4th year. So to continue on in that spirit we shall do it again, its time for someone else to come and play. This is all about sharing, inspired by the constant requests for knowledge about how to cook offal. Now’s your chance to learn. I will be accepting 2 volunteers to help with the event this year. You get to come into my kitchen and help cook 2 nights of head to tail dinners. You will work your ass off, have some fun and learn a ton, but there are rules to this game. This offer is open to professional cooks only. You will be an unpaid volunteer. You must commit to working in my kitchen for 5 days, from Friday, March 29th through Wednesday april 3rd except for Tuesday, which you’ll have off to enjoy S.F. But usually i take us all out to eat and do something fun. You must submit your resume and a short essay on why you should be one of the chosen ones. This is a busy time and I don’t have time to be baby sitting. The Head to Tail dinner is a multi-course menu with a shit load of detailed work.

Adams head to tail 2012 experience
April 26, 2012 on 11:37 am | In Blog, Offal, Resources | No Comments
Italo’s head to tail 2012 experience
April 26, 2012 on 11:31 am | In Blog, Offal, Resources | No CommentsI need to start off by saying thank you to everyone in the kitchen and front of house for welcoming me into your world for a week.
A few days into my stage Manny asked me if I was having fun, and I answered him in the only way I could truly sum up how I was feeling. I said “This restaurant is like Disneyland for cooks!” It is truly a cooks dream. A beautiful kitchen, a friendly crew, and all of the fun products a cook could ever ask for. The produce is amazing, the offal beyond fresh, and working never felt like work. Chris told me, “We’re all just here to have fun.” I have honestly never had more fun in a kitchen while working so hard. The hours start early and end late, but by the end of the week it all seemed too have gone by too quickly. And what you take with you at the end cannot be learned in any book.
Anyone who considers themselves a chef, or even a cook, needs to experience Incanto first hand. They epitomize what it is to truly cook, to let a product be and not to manipulate it. Just coax it along and help it shine. And any cooks who are thinking about applying for next year’s dinner, DO IT! To not send them your essay would be doing yourself a great injustice.
My time at Incanto was second to none. I have never learned so much in such a short time. And not just recipes and techniques but what it truly is to be a cook. We as cooks have a job, which is prepare food. Pretty obvious there. But what most seem to forget about is that we have a duty to honor the products we are using. Take nothing for granted. I have never seen a kitchen that respects food as much as Incanto. And with zero pretention may I add. When you have pulled mint from the ground essentially you have killed it just as much as when you knock a hog on the head. Now you owe it to that piece of mint and that hog that they were not killed in vain, and that none of it will go to waste. And Incanto was an amazing example of this philosophy.
I honestly had the time of my life and I can’t begin to thank Chef and the rest of the crew enough for the amazing opportunity to work and learn alongside them. I look forward to next year’s head to tail and my next trip to Incanto.
Thank you
2012 Head 2 Tail stage winners!!
March 1, 2012 on 4:33 pm | In Blog, Blogroll, Offal | No CommentsAnother difficult year to choose the 2 stages for this years head to tail!! We had a great mix of very talented chefs form all over the country as well as Canada. As well as some amazing essays as well as some really bad ones, but that being said I feel we did a great job choosing our 2 stages for this year. So now the hard part is over lets let the fun begin. I have included their names and essays for you to read after the break. Thank you everyone for your time and effort in your essays, it is a very hard decision to make, all who applied were really great. keep cooking offal !!
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Do you have the guts to cook guts 4.0?
January 27, 2012 on 2:00 am | In Blog, Offal | 2 CommentsAfter each years head to tail I look back and say how can we top that, and each year its a challenge that I gladly welcome. With the past 3 year we have brought in stages to spend a week cooking with the Incanto team, and it has been alot of fun and a great experience. Each stage has come and left their mark, thank you to Derek & Omar 1st year , Michael & Jonah 2nd year, Kylie & Michael 3rd year. So to continue on in that spirit we shall do it again, its time for someone else to come and play. This is all about sharing, inspired by the constant requests for knowledge about how to cook offal. Now’s your chance to learn. I will be accepting 2 volunteers to help with the event this year. You get to come into my kitchen and help cook 2 nights of head to tail dinners. You will work your ass off, have some fun and learn a ton, but there are rules to this game. This offer is open to professional cooks only. You will be an unpaid volunteer. You must commit to working in my kitchen for 5 days, from Friday, March 23rd through Wednesday the 28th except for Tuesday, which you’ll have off to recover. But usually i take us all out to eat and do something fun. You must submit your resume and a short essay on why you should be one of the chosen ones. This is a busy time and I don’t have time to be baby sitting. The Head to Tail dinner is a multi-course menu with a shit load of detailed work..
Here is the pay out; you get all 4 of my t-shirts to take home and you will be able to sit down and enjoy the head to tail menu in the dinning room on the last night. And you have to write a story for me to share on this website after your time here to share with the world. hey Jonah I am still waiting for yours.
Email your resume and brief essay to me at [email protected] by friday February 20th th. I will make a final decision and contact the 2 lucky winners on February 24th to confim your participation. This gives you 4 weeks to make travel arrangements. Ultimately, this is a fun opportunity to be a part of a great team for a week and learn how to cook some innards.
Eat my heart on The Feast!
July 6, 2011 on 11:35 pm | In Blog, Offal, Press, Videos | 2 CommentsView more videos at:
This is a video I did for The Feast for valentines day, its a bit old but I thought I would share it anyways.I cant get enough of the heart tartare, but with the foie gras it’s over the top.
Kylie chimes in on her H2T experience
May 12, 2011 on 12:24 am | In Blog, Offal | No CommentsIt was our pleasure to have Kylie as our guest in the kitchen for this years head to tail. Her essay is spot on, thanks again for all your help.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hi Chef and crew of Incanto!
It’s hard to believe that a month and then some has past since I had to honor of taking part in your nose to tail dinner. Thank you for inviting me into your lives and giving me such an unbelievable experience.
I took many things away from my time with you. But after some serious reflection, I think what I was most impressed with was the absolute camaraderie that we as cooks (and restaurant people in general), have the privilege to enjoy on a day-to-day basis.
I knew coming into the experience that the food would be great and that I would learn new techniques and tricks and skills and tips in the kitchen. But I did not expect to discover what it really is that creates a successful working restaurant machine; that is, above all, teamwork.
This was my first stage and, nerves aside, I was anxious walking into Incanto, solely because I didn’t know what to expect from it’s inhabitants. But from the first second I set foot in your kitchen, it was evident that we cooks are all one unique sub species of human. We have our own language, our own jokes and definitely our own sense of humor. We take things seriously in a way that really proves our devotion and passion and, most importantly, respect for our craft. I was inspired in this way, by every one of you, at every turn.
I think as cooks, we can be overly eager to prove ourselves to each other. I will openly admit to being guilty of this. It was a welcome and humbling experience to turn this off, in a sense, and just absorb and embrace the things that were happening around me. For this reason, I will continue to search out new stages and experiences which may make me uncomfortable at first, but will establish lessons that I couldn’t possibly gain without the drive to constantly learn about food, where it comes from and what it brings to every person in our world.
Thanks again. And please, pass on high fives to all the beautiful people of Incanto!
K.Y. Gelee
Stage winners for head to tail
March 8, 2011 on 3:33 pm | In Blog, Events, Offal | No CommentsThis year was very difficult to choose the 2 stages for this years head to tail!! We had a great mix of very talented chefs form all over the country as well as Canada. As well as some amazing essays as well as some really bad ones, but that being said I feel we did a great job choosing our 2 stages for this year. So now the hard part is over lets let the fun begin. I have included their names and essays for you to read after the break. Thank you everyone for your time and effort in your essays, it is a very hard decision to make, all who applied were really great. keep cooking guts!!
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