Videos Archive
Cooking with Alex Pardee and Upper Playground
January 6, 2009 on 12:07 am | In Videos | 13 CommentsThis is the 2nd round of cooking with the artist featured on walrus TV and Upper Playground. This is a 6 part video series. This is a full day of cooking with Alex Pardee I had a great time working with him, he was a lot of fun and wasn’t afraid to eat. I must say the piece he did for me is great, thanks again for playing Alex.

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Outside magazine winter comfort food
December 23, 2008 on 1:13 pm | In Videos | 1 Commentclick on the sausage to see the video.
This January issue of Outside magazine has a feature on winter comfort food, and they also put together a video with me cooking a recipe. I have included the recipe here after the break for those who cant find it online.
How to butcher a beef heart.
December 19, 2008 on 7:11 pm | In Videos | 9 Comments
I have received a lot of questions about how to butcher a beef heart. I recently made a video to answer these questions. After the break you will find a recipe for beef heart tartare.
Buying good pigs
December 11, 2008 on 12:52 pm | In Videos | 3 CommentsThis is a short video about sustainable pigs that was shot for NBC 11 here in the bay area.
Jeremy Fish final episode
December 4, 2008 on 11:57 am | In Videos | No Comments
I look forward to the show tonight i hope to see some of you there.
thanks for coming to play Jeremy lets do it again.
Custom Jeremy Fish Kitchen Mural
December 1, 2008 on 1:33 pm | In Videos | 1 Comment
Thanks Walrus TV for this fun 4 part video, stay tuned for more as they unfold!!
What can I say he is a amazing artist and its an honor to have him produce this one of a kind piece in the kitchen at Incanto. It was incredible to watch this piece come together before my eyes, I had no idea how this would unfold. The amount of thought and detail thats involved is inspirational. Thanks Jeremy I look forward to working with you again. If any one is in San Francisco please check out Jeremy’s show at fifty 24 SFGallery on Fillmore Street on 12/4/08 be there i will…
Iron Chef America Top 10 Greatest Moments
November 28, 2008 on 11:50 am | In Videos | 6 Comments
In battle garlic against Iron Chef Mario Batali I presented the judges with a split squab head, and instructed the judges to suck the brains out. This moment has been given the honor of being number 3 on the top 10 greatest moments. This is a huge surprise since there have been so many amazing chefs who have done many amazing things in stadium kitchen.
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