Bits and Bobbles Shop

Lips & Assholes

The long awaited “Lips and Assholes” 2.0 T-shirts are finally here. They were designed by a good friend of mine Rex Ray. These t-shirts will only be available here. And they’re good fun.

Let the world know that you are an offal eater. There ketchup red with mustard yellow print. Eat ‘em up.

This item and many other t-shirt options from Chris Cosentino’s collection are available at


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Offal Good Decals

Packet of 8 decals of your choice to mix and match as you choose. Select from a packet of “Offal Good Stamp Logo,” “I Heart Offal,” or a mix of the two. Shipping costs included.

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I Heart Offal

Modeled after the I love New York T-Shirt. Show your pride with a T-Shirt all should be proud to wear.

This item and many other t-shirt options from Chris Cosentino’s collection are available at

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Gut Bomb

This custom designed image for Offal Good is one of a kind. Be the first on your block to get one!!

This item and many other t-shirt options from Chris Cosentino’s collection are available at

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Eat Tripe

This latest addition reminds us of the benefits of eating tripe… we like it for vigor and stamina!

This item and many other t-shirt options from Chris Cosentino’s collection are available at

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OG Stamp

Available in 3 different positions… centered, ribs or bottom of shirt.  Follow the link below to see the options.

This item and many other t-shirt options from Chris Cosentino’s collection are available at

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