Archive for September, 2007
September 4, 2007 on 5:34 pm | In Recipes | 16 CommentsThe idea for most of eating brains brings back memories of the original movie Return of the living dead.
Raw calfs brain about to be poached.
So most people moan and scream like a zombie and act like an ass instead of having the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful creamy cut. Here I will show a recipe for brains, so order your brain fork which any self respecting offal eater should own one of these. Turn on your favorite zombie flick and get ready to eat some delicious brains.
Continue reading Brains!!!…
Delicious pig parts
September 2, 2007 on 10:43 pm | In Recipes | 9 CommentsTo me every part of a pig is absolutely delicious. This head and some bits were dropped off to me on Friday. They came from a duroc hog from biagio a Sonoma meat co-op run by Michael. These parts were put to use quickly for a new dish for the menu Saturday.
Delicious Cocks combs
September 1, 2007 on 12:11 am | In Offal | 3 CommentsThe mighty rooster and his bright red gelatinous crest.
The defination of a cockscombb from Larousse Gastronomique is as follows:
A cockscomb, cock’s-comb, or (less commonly) coxcomb is a fleshy growth, caruncle, or crest on the top of the head of many gallinaceous birds, notably turkeys, pheasants, and domestic chickens. It is generally larger on males than on females.
Rooster cockscombs are red, but in other species the color may vary from light grey to deep blue or red.
I have included 2 different dishes for the cocks combs as well as the basics on how to work with them.
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