Archive for November, 2008
Turkey Lungs
November 29, 2008 on 7:52 pm | In Photos | 4 CommentsWhen most of you are eating turkey left overs I am using turkey lungs in a really tasty way. They are a readily available cut found in Italian markets know as pulmones. The US is the only country who deems lungs unfit for human consumption which went into affect in 1972. I dont know why they did it, rumor is that they felt they couldn’t inspect them properly. I think they taste great so here is what i did with them, ask your local rancher for some. Continue reading Turkey Lungs…
Iron Chef America Top 10 Greatest Moments
November 28, 2008 on 11:50 am | In Videos | 6 Comments
In battle garlic against Iron Chef Mario Batali I presented the judges with a split squab head, and instructed the judges to suck the brains out. This moment has been given the honor of being number 3 on the top 10 greatest moments. This is a huge surprise since there have been so many amazing chefs who have done many amazing things in stadium kitchen. Continue reading Iron Chef America Top 10 Greatest Moments…
Its Turkey Time Again
November 23, 2008 on 11:02 pm | In Photos | 7 CommentsEvery year for Thanksgiving people are getting ready to sit down to eat turkey. Today I was able for the second year in a row, help with the 4-H heritage breed turkey slaughter. What an amazing experience, this was attended by full families young and old all helping. What is so great about this program is that these are kids who raise these birds, sell them in auction, then help with the processing of the birds. Continue reading Its Turkey Time Again…
Cod milt
November 12, 2008 on 8:14 pm | In Offal | 6 CommentsYou are asking yourself what is cod Milt, also know as soft roes in the UK. In Japan there geographical aliases, including shirako, kiku, and tachi. Well to keep it very simple and straight forward its cod sperm, its only available in the fall and winter months and is a delicacy in Japan.
This dish is a favorite of mine and I serve it on a regular basis at the restaurant during the fall and winter months. Continue reading Cod milt…
Iron Chef Menu at Incanto
November 10, 2008 on 8:01 pm | In Restaurants | 2 CommentsFor those of you who want a taste of the Halloween Iron Chef America Battle Offal, well here it is. Take a look at Incanto to get all the answers on the what, when, where and hows. This is only available on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, since I will be cooking this menu by myself in the back kitchen. Continue reading Iron Chef Menu at Incanto…
Kill It, Cook It, Eat It UK
November 7, 2008 on 2:42 pm | In Blog | 5 CommentsThis is an amazing show that is on the BBC 3 in the UK. The owners tore the wall off an abattoir replacing it with a glass wall, then put a set of bleachers, a dining room, and a kitchen. The transparency introduced regular folks to where and how the food is raised, slaughtered and cooked. The same animal slaughtered in front of the guests then turns into their dinner . If only we could do this here, it would help change the food system.
Star Chefs on Charcuterie
November 6, 2008 on 12:48 am | In Press | No CommentsA very well done article on starting a in house curing program was written on Star Chefs. They reached out to Zach Allen from Las Vegas and myself, for some insite on how we started our progams and learned to produce in house. This is a great idea it answers alot of the frequently asked questions, now it boils down to following threw with the decision to do it. Here is the article, Star Chefs Charcuterie. Continue reading Star Chefs on Charcuterie…
Giant Humboldt Squid
November 3, 2008 on 2:43 pm | In Uncategorized | 10 CommentsHaving worked with the same fish purveyor for over 10 years they kind of have an idea what I like. So when Chris called me from ports seafood and said he had giant squid from Humboldt averaging 30lb each I jumped at the chance to get them. Once I had this giant squid at the restaurant I was amazed at how big it really is, it really makes me not want to go swimming. Chris later explained to me that they are caught when there is a current shift and they come up from warmer waters. To keep thing easy on how to cook this giant squid I have included a photo guide.
YES! On Prop 2
October 27, 2008 on 12:26 pm | In Videos | 7 CommentsEveryone is waiting for November 4th to cast there vote for change. Here is a proposition that is not to be missed. I speak out regularly on the horrors of factory farming well here is the ability for you as a consumer to help make a change. Please take a look at there website :
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