Archive for December, 2008
Goose Intestines
December 30, 2008 on 2:16 am | In Photos | 6 CommentsChristmas usually brings a whole bunch of geese to the restaurant to serve for the holidays. This year I got a treat with the geese, I got their intestines as well. There were great as a simple dish with beans, they resembled pasta once they were cooked. Follow the picture recipes and make some great dinner.
Outside magazine winter comfort food
December 23, 2008 on 1:13 pm | In Videos | 1 Commentclick on the sausage to see the video.
This January issue of Outside magazine has a feature on winter comfort food, and they also put together a video with me cooking a recipe. I have included the recipe here after the break for those who cant find it online.
How to butcher a beef heart.
December 19, 2008 on 7:11 pm | In Videos | 6 Comments
I have received a lot of questions about how to butcher a beef heart. I recently made a video to answer these questions. After the break you will find a recipe for beef heart tartare.
pre formed turkey eggs
December 15, 2008 on 12:30 pm | In Photos | 9 CommentsThese pre formed eggs are a tasty treat that have been used for years but not normally seen in the US markets. I first had these eggs while on a trip to Asia and it was served to me in a rich heart warming soup. After the turkey slaughter I had a bunch so I made this soup with cauliflower mushrooms, pasta and spinach it was an instant hit. Continue reading pre formed turkey eggs…
Buying good pigs
December 11, 2008 on 12:52 pm | In Videos | 3 CommentsThis is a short video about sustainable pigs that was shot for NBC 11 here in the bay area. Continue reading Buying good pigs…
Amuse Cochon Recap
December 8, 2008 on 11:16 am | In Press | No CommentsWhat a great event give 5 chefs each a different breed of pig and see what they come up with. This was so much fun to be given a breed of pig I had never worked with before the mangalista. A crazy wooly pig with a ton of fat, and lots of flavor. One of the highlights of the event for me was to spend some time with a true master of pork Mr. Allen Benton, who was not only super fun but a true believer of educating the next generation of the proper use of the magical animal the pig.
December 5, 2008 on 3:43 pm | In Press | 8 CommentsClick on the doctor to read the story.
Grist has an intresting article on the subject of shmeat. Do you really want to know what it is? I have voiced my concerns in the past and, as usual, PETA has been helping this product to be approved for human consumption. I am afraid that it will primarily be consumed by people who are of a lower socio-economical status.. What is that old saying, “shit rolls down hill” ? So, that must mean “shmeat rolls down hill” as well. It will end up in processed food, which goes to children in schools who depend on school lunch programs, and families who don’t have enough money. As well as most major fast food outlets that will grind this product into burgers as well as meat nuggets. This product will once again dumb down the palates and fatten the bodies of children. Take a look at the article, and speak up before star trek food is in the food system without you even knowing it. Continue reading Shmeat?…
Jeremy Fish final episode
December 4, 2008 on 11:57 am | In Videos | No Comments
I look forward to the show tonight i hope to see some of you there.
thanks for coming to play Jeremy lets do it again. Continue reading Jeremy Fish final episode…
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