Archive for January, 2009
Cooking with the Artist part 3
January 27, 2009 on 12:12 am | In Videos | No Comments
This is my 3rd instalment of cooking with the artist and Upper Playground. This episode is with vegetarian Sam Flores who was at first reluctant to come, being un sure if I would try to serve him meat. In the end I think he had a nice time, and a simple lunch.
The new t shirts are here!!
January 25, 2009 on 9:01 pm | In Offal | 2 CommentsAfter multiple requests for a non profane T-Shirts. I have decided to do shirts modeled after the I love New York T-Shirts. Simple and straight to the point. Continue reading The new t shirts are here!!…
Kudos from Dana Cowin
January 15, 2009 on 4:44 pm | In Press | 1 CommentIn october editor and chief of Food and Wine magazine Dana Cowin came in for dinner, of all the days it was my anniversary. I am very fortunate to have the best wife in the world who understood that I needed to be at the restaurant. So we canceled our plans to go out and she came to dinner with my son at the bar. Just yesterday we got the February issue of Food and Wine, and in her “Letter from the Editor” Dana shouted her praise’s about her meal. I am very grateful and excited that she enjoyed here experience, but most of all I am lucky that I have such a supportive wife and family. Thank you Tatiana I love you more then you know. Continue reading Kudos from Dana Cowin…
New York Times Recipe Redux
January 15, 2009 on 11:58 am | In Press | No CommentsClick on the picture for the recipe to the redux dish.
Each week the New York Times magazine does a column called Recipe redux by Amanda Hesser. This Sunday they featured a recipe, ironically from one of my regular guests parents which was published in 1971. The concept is simple Take a previously printed recipe and give it to a chef to use for inspiration or to take and turn it into something totally new. This was fun and a cool learning experience, they even let me use offal.
Here is a link to the article: Recipe Redux New York Times Magazine Continue reading New York Times Recipe Redux…
PETAS faux gras stunt
January 6, 2009 on 1:59 pm | In Issues | 11 Comments
This is a great video from Anthony Bourdain and No Reservations.
Again PETA is throwing money at the wrong thing offering someone the grand prize of $10,000 and their name for ever tied to this abomination vegetarian faux gras. Don’t get me wrong i love vegetables, but this is just to much. I have attached the rules and regulations to the contest, seeing as its such a great opportunity to stop such a tasty historical food from existing. So stay the fuck out of my stomach. Don’t worry folks the poor bastard who puts their name on this Faux Gras will go down in infamy.
offally good decals
January 6, 2009 on 11:42 am | In Resources | 2 CommentsTo start the new year I have been working on some things for offal good, and this is the first of a few new things to come this new year. A little less crude as some have put in requests for!
If these are a must for you go to the shop and pick yourself up a few. Continue reading offally good decals…
Cooking with Alex Pardee and Upper Playground
January 6, 2009 on 12:07 am | In Videos | 10 CommentsThis is the 2nd round of cooking with the artist featured on walrus TV and Upper Playground. This is a 6 part video series. This is a full day of cooking with Alex Pardee I had a great time working with him, he was a lot of fun and wasn’t afraid to eat. I must say the piece he did for me is great, thanks again for playing Alex.

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