The new t shirts are here!!
January 25, 2009 on 9:01 pm | In Offal | CommentsAfter multiple requests for a non profane T-Shirts. I have decided to do shirts modeled after the I love New York T-Shirts. Simple and straight to the point.
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Hailing originally from NY, I would to wear an “I Offal” t-shirt.
But, how about a woman’s cut t-shirt offering in addition to the boxy men’s cut t-shirt? Women who offal don’t need to hide their bods in a baggy casing, right?
This could be done on, too.
Comment by Anna — February 1, 2009 #
While I feel the profane t-shirts may have theoretically caused a problem, I havent came into any problems at all, and I am not one to normally wear pink either.
Comment by David Jackman — February 8, 2009 #