Videos Archive
No Reservation Deleted Scene
August 18, 2009 on 10:10 pm | In Blog, Offal, Videos | 2 Comments
This didnt make the cut for No Reservations, but just the ability to see him drink FU2012 was priceless. The ability to work on such a special project with lance at hanger 1 has been great. He is a mad scientist and genius with distilling Enjoy the video.
No Reservations comes to SF
August 18, 2009 on 9:47 am | In Blog, Offal, Press, Videos | 1 Comment
A few years ago Anthony Bourdain came to Incanto for dinner and my buisneess partner Mark Pastore wrote a great letter called “when royality comes calling”. It was a crazy day when he came for dinner a few years back nervous and star struck I cooked and cooked, hoping not to blow it. Now fast forward to this march an I get a phone call from zero point zero production that they want to film No Reserations. I am honored to be part of such a great show which has been stacking up the emmy nominations. Thanks to my team and all staff on hand the restaurant looked great on the show. Thanks!!
Cooking with the Artist part 3
January 27, 2009 on 12:12 am | In Videos | No Comments
This is my 3rd instalment of cooking with the artist and Upper Playground. This episode is with vegetarian Sam Flores who was at first reluctant to come, being un sure if I would try to serve him meat. In the end I think he had a nice time, and a simple lunch.
Cooking with Alex Pardee and Upper Playground
January 6, 2009 on 12:07 am | In Videos | 10 CommentsThis is the 2nd round of cooking with the artist featured on walrus TV and Upper Playground. This is a 6 part video series. This is a full day of cooking with Alex Pardee I had a great time working with him, he was a lot of fun and wasn’t afraid to eat. I must say the piece he did for me is great, thanks again for playing Alex.

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Outside magazine winter comfort food
December 23, 2008 on 1:13 pm | In Videos | 1 Commentclick on the sausage to see the video.
This January issue of Outside magazine has a feature on winter comfort food, and they also put together a video with me cooking a recipe. I have included the recipe here after the break for those who cant find it online.
How to butcher a beef heart.
December 19, 2008 on 7:11 pm | In Videos | 6 Comments
I have received a lot of questions about how to butcher a beef heart. I recently made a video to answer these questions. After the break you will find a recipe for beef heart tartare.
Buying good pigs
December 11, 2008 on 12:52 pm | In Videos | 3 CommentsThis is a short video about sustainable pigs that was shot for NBC 11 here in the bay area. Continue reading Buying good pigs…
Jeremy Fish final episode
December 4, 2008 on 11:57 am | In Videos | No Comments
I look forward to the show tonight i hope to see some of you there.
thanks for coming to play Jeremy lets do it again. Continue reading Jeremy Fish final episode…
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