Stiring the pot !!
April 6, 2009 on 5:59 pm | In Issues | CommentsWhen I found this website I was shocked and couldnt believe it, but the documentation looks pretty accurate. All I am going to say is “Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black”.
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hahah that is amazing. sneaky bastards
On that Penn & Teller show Bullshit, they talked about this a couple years ago. It was all pretty interesting. The President of PETA is also, apparently, diabetic, and uses insulin made from pigs.
Guess I got confused. I thought you meant a different group…… People Eating Tasty Animals.
There was a time when diabetics would inject insulin from pigs, but insulin is now produced synthetically. Do you have inside knowledge as to what kind of insulin he uses?
This has been a longtime criticism of PETA, and it’s well-documented.
PETA isn’t about compassion for animals anyway, so this shouldn’t be any surprise. PETA is composed of a bunch of misguided, but creatively dangerous people who spend a lot of energy on the wrong things. The less attention paid them the better. They thrive on media attention, even negative attention, like this.
while i hate PETA as much as the next sane human being, that website is run by a bunch of scumbag corporate lobbyists.
PETA deserves what it gets, but be careful when you lie down with the dogs because you’ll get up with fleas.
PETA means People Eating Tasty Animals as far as Im concerned. That being said, I love animals and hate to see them suffer, but I am not going to stop eating them sad to say. Veggies just don’t do it for me.