Kylie chimes in on her H2T experience

May 12, 2011 on 12:24 am | In Blog, Offal | Comments
plating the lamb kidney dish. photo by Michael Turkell

plating the lamb kidney dish. photo by Michael Turkell

It was our pleasure to have Kylie as our guest in the kitchen for this years head to tail. Her essay is spot on, thanks again for all your help.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hi Chef and crew of Incanto!

It’s hard to believe that a month and then some has past since I had to honor of taking part in your nose to tail dinner.  Thank you for inviting me into your lives and giving me such an unbelievable experience.

I took many things away from my time with you. But after some serious reflection, I think what I was most impressed with was the absolute camaraderie that we as cooks (and restaurant people in general), have the privilege to enjoy on a day-to-day basis.

I knew coming into the experience that the food would be great and that I would learn new techniques and tricks and skills and tips in the kitchen.  But I did not expect to discover what it really is that creates a successful working restaurant machine; that is, above all, teamwork.

This was my first stage and, nerves aside, I was anxious walking into Incanto, solely because I didn’t know what to expect from it’s inhabitants.  But from the first second I set foot in your kitchen, it was evident that we cooks are all one unique sub species of human.   We have our own language, our own jokes and definitely our own sense of humor.  We take things seriously in a way that really proves our devotion and passion and, most importantly, respect for our craft.  I was inspired in this way, by every one of you, at every turn.

I think as cooks, we can be overly eager to prove ourselves to each other.  I will openly admit to being guilty of this.  It was a welcome and humbling experience to turn this off, in a sense, and just absorb and embrace the things that were happening around me.  For this reason, I will continue to search out new stages and experiences which may make me uncomfortable at first, but will establish lessons that I couldn’t possibly gain without the drive to constantly learn about food, where it comes from and what it brings to every person in our world.

Thanks again.  And please, pass on high fives to all the beautiful people of Incanto!


K.Y. Gelee

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