Brains and Eggs Music To My Ears?

March 26, 2008 on 8:07 am | In Offal | Comments

raw calves brain

My brother in law Michael Hearst and band mate Joshua Camp of One Ring Zero have written a great song for me based on a recipe that I wrote. This is a new project they are working on, taking chefs recipes and turning them into songs. This a bit similar to ” As Smart As We Are” where he worked with authors who’s writings became the lyrics and basis for his music threw the whole album. I have included the recipe below, follow along to the song and then make yourself some dinner.

A little back ground on the dish. On the south side of Chicago was the largest livestock market and meat processing center in the world Approximately one mile square, it served the nation’s great meat packing companies and many smaller ones located in the surrounding area. A dish that became very common among the butchers was brains and eggs, this came to be know as the butchers treat.

Click the title below to here the song.


Brains and Eggs “The butchers treat”

serves 4

2 calves brains

1 tsp salt

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp white wine

5 eggs

2 Tbsp cream

1 Tbsp butter

1 tsp chopped chives

1 tsp chopped tarragon

4 slices of rustic country bread

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

Salt to taste

Black pepper t taste

To poach the brains, fill a large pot with water and add the salt, lemon juice, and white wine. Bring the water to a boil and then turn it down to a simmer, so the water is lightly bubbling. Gently place the brains into the water and simmer them for 5 minutes. Remove the brains from the water with a perforated spoon and place on a plate. Put the plate in the refrigerator to cool for about 15 minutes.

In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, cream and herbs and beat with a whisk until light. Season with salt and black pepper. Set in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Once the brain is cold and firm, dice it. Heat the butter in a sauté pan over high heat until it starts to brown. Then add the cubed brain pieces and gently stir until golden brown. Turn the heat down to medium. Pour in the egg mixture and fold the brains and eggs together with a rubber spatula until it’s all cooked; it will be light and fluffy.

While the eggs are cooking, grill or toast the bread so it will be warm when the eggs are finished. Serve the brains on warm plates with a piece of buttered toast.

9 Responses to “Brains and Eggs Music To My Ears?”

  1. HMK says:

    I am sorry Chris, you loose me at brains! Isn’t it dangerous to eat nueral tissue? Especially as our testing for Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis is so lacking?

  2. Neal L. says:

    This recipe reminds me of my grandfather going on about growing up in Mississippi and eating scrambled eggs with squirrel brains.

  3. matthew k. says:

    wow, butcher’s treat…weird…the closest thing I can find to brain in LA is tacos de sesos, or brain tacos. I heard they weren’t that good…but I have yet to try them.

  4. queenkv says:

    I had some tasty lambs’ brains and curry down in Fremont at Pakwan. Just curious, do you have recommendations on any East Bay butchers who sell calves brain?

  5. Mags says:

    Oh Chris, Chris, Chris. I just had dinner at Incanto for the very first time tonight. The things you do with pork … Brilliant.

  6. Frank M says:

    Good reads. I gotta think that the folks that have been cooking that stuff for years (at least here in the South), from taco trucks to bbq shacks, would get a kick out of knowing that the stuff they have been eating for years is now ‘haute’ cuisine! Heck, I just saw a blog that had chicken tails as an app!!! Gotta love it-
    Frank in Austin

  7. Dan says:

    Hi Chris. Would you use a regular chefs knife to dice the brain, or do you have a particular utensil of choice?

  8. Pat says:

    Thanks a lot! Gramma has been dead for too many years, and I was too stupid to ask how to cook these. Pork Brains are just as good, and no mcd to worry about.

  9. Brian says:

    This as a child was one of my favorite thing to eat. I remember looking forward tothe morning we would have them. This went on until one day I asked my Dad what was in them. He said brains and eggs. I never ate them again. I’m 62 years old now, and I have a fond memory for this dish. It was good eating then and I’m sure it is now as well. The dish was a common dish to farmers in the South and for that matter all over the country. On farms nothing was left off the table were it came to foods. Growing up in the city I didn’t realize that until many years later. Now I can only imagine how much we all missed growing up away from the farm. Thank for reminding me of the old days were most of your food from home and not from fast food chemicals.

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