YES! On Prop 2
October 27, 2008 on 12:26 pm | In Events, Videos | CommentsEveryone is waiting for November 4th to cast there vote for change. Here is a proposition that is not to be missed. I speak out regularly on the horrors of factory farming well here is the ability for you as a consumer to help make a change. Please take a look at there website :

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I have a somewhat unrelated question. I had some really delicious cured tongue at Salumi, in Seattle. I’d like to replicate it at home but I’m not sure how to go about it. It was dark gray in color, thinly sliced, and had a texture similar to a cured pork loin -which is to say uniform in color and composition. My suspicion is that the tongue there was dry cured, though it may have been cooked first? I’ve got one that I put into a dry-cure without cooking it; and I’ve tried brine-curing and poaching, then serving cool. Can’t seem to get the results right (not that they weren’t delicious). Do you know what the traditional italian method of curing tongue is? And if, for that matter, I ought to perhaps poach it first, remove the skin, and then dry cure it? I’m an amateur when it comes to meat curing, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Very effective, and very cute. But I don’t care how cute you make pigs, chickens, and cows look in cartoons, they’re still going to end up on my table.
Great post, and very good timing Chris.
I heard that around 200 years ago many were known to voice this opnion: That no matter how intelligent blacks were shown to be – they would never be acknowledged as “humans”.
And as far as this Prop2 piece… it’s not about “cuteness” – it’s not even about giving a damn chicken a bigger piece of paper to stand on – Prop2 just delays confronting the issue. The issue of ending all of it… About recognizing that there is no justification to eating meat.
Your meat product and meat consumption is riddled with no-no’s…
Negatives concerning animal murder, environmental impacts, water
contamination, deforestation, wasteful use of resources, world
hunger, mono-cropping, plant and animal extinctions, zootonic and human pathological diseases. I’m mean really… what does it take to convince you people that man’s best chance of survival hinges on adopting a plant based diet?
It is consistent with efficient use of water, land and fuel. It is consistent with feeding 6 times more people a healthier diet… And it is certainly consistent in our ethics towards animals. Our ethics (and society) says to be kind to animals. To human animals, to dog animals, horse animals, to pig animals, chicken, cat and cow animals. Accepting any other creed is to perputate “speciesism” – a variation of the “racism” that existed 200 years ago.
Go Vegan.
Bea Elliot,
Go Vegan? No, Go Away. Please come back when you’ve learned something about human history, about human physiology and nutrition, about the degradation to the environment caused by tearing up and destroying the soil for plant crops. I have no issue if you and others choose not to consume animals for food. Your choice. But your arguments about the superiority of adopting an all-plant diet are way off base.
May I suggest you start by reading a recent history, The Worst Hard Time, about the “Dirty 30s” dust storms and draught, caused by plowing up the ancient grass plains and planting wheat? It’s not an “eat meat or plants” book, but an intense look at how, in just a few short generations, humans destroyed a perfect and ancient balanced ecosystem of deeply rooted grasses and foraging bison (that had perfectly supported Native Americans); depleted the soils of several states (many of these storms dumped as much as 350 million tons of topsoil all over the eastern states and into the Atlantic Ocean – the worst of the storms went on for about a decade); nearly drained one of the world’s largest underground aquifers; and perpetuated the boom-and-bust economic devastation that is inherent with commodity crops.
Then learn something about wildlife habitat degradation from
cropping, the random killing of wild animals during the cultivation harvesting of plant foods, the intensive use of fuel and petrochemicals to create higher yields to feed the growing “plant-based diet” agenda. I highly recommend any of Joel Salatin’s books, but Holy Cow and Hog Heaven is particularly good.
After that learn how agriculture dramatically changed human existence in nature – creating a population explosion that continues today, cycles of famine and massive starvation, degraded health, inequality in power and wealth, and unsustainable attempts to control nature. However, nature will have the last laugh. It always does.
Sunshine + pasture raised animals = energy-efficient, clean, natural, healthy, and physiologically correct food for humans.
Plant crops, unless done in a biodynamic, polycultural diversified small farm system that mimics nature instead of subverting it, is disastrous on numerous levels.
I mean, what does it take to convince you vegans that human’s best chance at survival hinges on adopting a diet based on pasture raised animals foods that are raised *with* nature instead of polluting and destroying nature with artificial crop systems?
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