Humane Cow Slaughter
November 27, 2007 on 1:58 am | In Photos | CommentsWhat can I say this was a huge experience. This is just a fraction of what it was like at the slaughter house I couldn’t snap pictures and participate fast enough to get the whole process step by step. Watching the folks there was like a ballet it was so smooth and clean and professional. I would like to thank them all for allowing me to be a part of there day and that amazing experience. Its no easy task to do that, and I can say that from experience now. This gave me a whole new understanding to the size and amount of work that goes into a cow from start to finish. To start there is not a photo of knocking the cow since it would startle the cow and not be a humane slaughter. There are very strict rules to adhere to and there is an outside monitoring group that comes in to be sure that the Certified Humane standards are being met.
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I’d like to thank mr. James Rickert for clearing up why the word “humane” was used in the title! If I could get meat processed in this way I would never become a vegetarian! I have nothing against killing animals, as we all have to dye one time or another, but all this industrial scale raising living beings in tiny, overcrowded pens and inhumane butchering makes me sick and I don’t want to have any part in it! My father grew on a farm as a kid, they raised all their animals and butchered them, and when I was 10 or 11 he took me to a modern farm to show me where our food comes from. When he saw how these poor beasts were treated he was appalled…it was nothing like on the farm he grew. So we both become vegetarians. If we visited a farm like mr. Rickert’s one, I would still eat meat!
i dont like the idea of a bolt firing into the head of a cow—it is a precise action should not be done by workers just stood around in a routine almost in a daze i,m sure for a start the animal should be very still for the placement of the bolt gun this is never the case i have watched this process and i can see the animal is in great pain if this was happening to a human i,m sure we would faint at the thought of a bolt entering our heads—ok now lets get down to physics there is only one way to be sure the slaughter is 100% painless and that is my invention —-the explosive guillotine shearing the head from the body in milliseconds this could be operated by compressed air or gas of even explosives—-i dont care if they are worried about how the blood gets drained this is 2009 maybe we could purge it with a mechanical pump connected to the heart there is a way just use imagination—-or we will never reach the stars—-a denham –inventor of other great things to come
I agree with the above comment. A faster – surer death could be achieved by rapid decapitation. Too many poory stunned animals get butched before they’re dead/
Wow… instant decapitation by a guillotine that is powered by compressed air or even explosives???? Seriously? Workman’s comp would have a fit. As a person who works in a slaughterhouse… I think that I’d rather use the stun gun instead of having a guillotine. There would be a lot of one-armed workers…
I believe that eating is one of the things talked about in the bible. Mainly that everything on earth, animals and plants are put here for us to eat. Animals eat other animals, some plants eat insects so on and so forth and the circle of life goes on. If you choose not to eat meat, that is your choice. Take a good nutrition class at a college to see what not eating meat can and will do to your body. There are some essential nutrients found only in meat. I don’t approve of any inhumane methods of killing animals. There has come to my mind the idea that everyone has become too politically correct about everything. My family and I eat meat at almost every meal and will continue to do so. I have begun to wonder what we would do without a local grocery store or butcher shop to buy our meat from. Answer: We would raise and butcher our own meat and the first attempts would probably be a disaster an very inhumane. But we would learn and change our methods just as a lot of farmers are doing today, learning from the history we have. Thanks for posting these pictures and to every farmer, rancher and butcher that contributes to the learning process and food on the table.
This is simply disgusting to killed all innocent animals…..specially cows who we in india treated as our mother.Brutally killing animals will land us nowhere……there are so many other nutrients food available in the earth..then why Meat Only?
I HATE PEOPLE WHO EATS COWS MEAT, and i really pray he should be killed in same manner as they are killing or eating meat
Wow… This comments section sure devolved a bit when the sadomasochistic vegetarians showed up. If you are so upset by this process that you won’t even eat meat, why come to a website dedicated to sharing info about the consumption and slaughtering of animals?
Anyway, I appreciate the photos, and the message that we should better understand where our meat comes from. I’ve never butchered an animal even close to that large but its cool to see how it happens.
I had pho for lunch so i guess I’ve had my fill of offal for the day.
If I’m even in NYC, I will make a point to check out the restaurant.
Oh India that is the problem, you are the people that dont mind if your poor are starving on the street. I cannot believe that a person from india would come to this web site and whine about killing of cows. I have seen what you do with goats, was in somaila with the Indian army and it seems that goats are the diet there.
So I guess we are stupid then cause instead of having a filthy cow walk around the neighborhood we would rather kill it and share it with the neighborhood. Sorry I guess we are the dumb ones.
Oh and rajni you should be glad that we are eating meat. This is why the hide from the cow is save up and then put in a shipping container and guess where it goes??? wait for it,…………………Bangladesh India to be into leather coats and jackets for the world. So as you see the cow death as some horrid affair that same animal is feeding people and clothing people and those jackets and coats will be around allot longer then the cow every would be. So I would ask that you think about the circle of life before you say anything about killing a cow.
why do you kill gods beautiful animals for meta! that is murder and i hope you thugs rot in hell!
Vegetarians are pretentious. Really. Watch Discovery. If I HAD to chose how I was going to die (no way out, I HAVE TO DIE) I would much rather it be done in this slaughter house than be mauled by lions or some other carnivore. Face it, everything in the food chain gets devoured. I hope tomorrow a study comes out proving plants have feelings so that all the vegetarians starve to death. Amen.
are you kidding?
The brain is still in tact and will have to die of blood loss, the captive bolt destroys the brain, no brain, no pain.
[...] Humane Cow Slaughter В« Offal Good™ Nov 27, 2007 … thats a great page and i am a butcher i understand everything about eat meat and slaugther animals … [...]
if… you are Christian, you know Jesus was innocent. there is some similarity here, in that cows are innocent too. when i see a humane slaughter. i get a jolt of reality (humility). reminding me that i am a sinner. i am so greatful for His forgiveness.
after watching this. i will always pray in thankfulness for the life of this animal that God provided.