Eat my heart on The Feast!

July 6, 2011 on 11:35 pm | In Blog, Offal, Press, Videos | Comments

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This is a video I did for The Feast for valentines day, its a bit old but I thought I would share it anyways.I cant get enough of the heart tartare, but with the foie gras it’s over the top.

2 Responses to “Eat my heart on The Feast!”

  1. Jered G says:

    That looks awesomely tasty. When preparing heart I thought I heard that there’s a lot of silverskin that needs to be removed, particularly in the interior. How much trim loss is there typically?

  2. Chris Cross says:

    we need restaurants that specialize in Offal even if it is on a separate menu too many people have no idea what they are missing out on

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